Tag Archives: drug defense lawyer

Will I Face Criminal Charges If I Take My Overdosing Friend To Hospital?

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  Imagine this… You’re at a party with a group of friends. You’re all drinking, hanging out, and laughing about something ridiculous. And then the bong comes out. Everyone smokes a little weed, and you join in. And now someone’s handing out pills. What are they? “Oh, something that’ll make you feel amazing!” So you […]

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Michigan’s New Opioid Laws, And How They Could Affect You!

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  At the end of 2017, a 10 bill package was signed into law aimed at addressing Michigan’s growing opioid addiction problem. Our new opiod drug laws took effect just days ago on June 1, 2018. They change the way doctors here in Michigan can prescribe pain medication to patients. Curious about what the new […]

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What Are Analog Drugs And Why do They Matter in Michigan?

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  Most people, when you say the word “drugs” think about marijuana, cocaine or heroin. But the term ‘analogue drugs” doesn’t come up in everyday conversation for most people. In fact, ask the average person on the street what an analogue drug is, and they’ll probably have no idea. That’s certainly been our experience. And […]

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What Do I Do If I Get Caught With Drugs in Michigan?

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  The quick answer to that question is “call The Kronzek Firm immediately!” But we figured you wanted a little more than a single sentence. After all, drug charges are pretty complicated, even if you break it down. So here goes…   If you get caught with marijuana….   This situation has no “one, simple […]

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Cocaine in Michigan: What You Need to Know (Part 3)

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  Thanks for joining us as we wrap up this conversation on cocaine and the laws that govern its use in Michigan. If you’re only just joining us now, we highly recommend that you spend a few minutes catching up. If however, you’ve been with from the start, welcome back and buckle up – we’re […]

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Cocaine in Michigan: What You Need to Know (Part 1)

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  Cocaine tends to be portrayed as a glamorous drug by Hollywood – the illicit pleasure of the rich and famous. Unlike it’s inelegant cousin, crack cocaine, who has a reputation for being the drug of choice for less-than-savory characters, cocaine is often depicted as a high society alternative to alcohol. Something one uses at […]

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Anabolic Steroids in Michigan: What You Need To Know

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  Heroin, cocaine and prescription meds are drugs you hear about all the time. Anabolic steroids, however, seem to have taken a backseat in recent years, unless of course you happen to follow professional sports news. Even then, it just isn’t a subject that gets a lot of press time anymore. But why not? Are […]

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What You Need To Know About Meth in Michigan

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  Methamphetamine, also known by numerous other pseudonyms such as meth, ice, crank, glass, geeter, trash, and christina, is a concentrated, crystallized form of illegally manufactured methamphetamine. It is a highly addictive and very dangerous drug. If you live in Michigan then there are some important facts that you need to know about meth.   […]

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Good Samaritan Law is Now on The Books in Michigan

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  In the very first hours of 2015, Mason Mizwicki died of a drug overdose. He was at a New Year’s eve party in Watervliet, MI with friends. They were using drugs. While he lay dying, Mizwicki called out for help. But his friends chose not to assist him. Why? Because the teenagers he was […]

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Legislation To Allow Forced Drug Intervention For Addicts in Michigan? (Part 2)

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  Thanks for joining us again as we unravel this complex subject, and discuss what needs to change  for addiction to become a thing of the past. The reality is that drug addiction has become more and and more of a problem here in Michigan and all over the U.S. with each passing year. The […]

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